Selection tool

Aria planner

HRV designer assistant

Aria Planner is a free selection tool for HEATPEX ARIA heat recovery ventilation system. We hope that the tool will ease the process of creating a list of materials necessary to create an efficent HRV installation in your home.

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3 simple steps

Step 1

Enter the list of rooms from your floorplan

ARIA PLANNER will automatically select the size of the heat recovery unit and required air flows depending on room type and number of occupants.
It will then
create air flow balance for a harmonised supply and exhaust ventilation system.
ARIA PLANNER will also
determine the number of supply and exhaust points (diffusers) for each room and calculate the number of required ventilation ducts.



Step 2

Choose the type of connection to heat recovery unit – SIDE or CENTRAL

You can choose between central or side connection. You also need to select how distribution boxes are connected to each other if needed. There is an option to connect them side to side or on top of each other.

You will receive a list of components and air supply requirements, all tailored to your home design

Step 3

Save and download your design

The design contains calculated air flows, a bill of materials tailored to the selected configuration as well as guidelines on installation of the heat recovery system. The document will indicate where and how to install diffusers, how to route ventilation ducts, and where to place the air intake and exhaust outlets. *


* Full access to ARIA PLANNER is available for logged in users only

Check Aria Planner